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Parent Teacher and Friends Association

Membership of the Association is open to all people connected with the school. Its prime objective is to raise funds to support the school family.

In our school there is an active P.T.F.A. It organises many events throughout the year. These are always great fun for those who attend and also for those who plan them.  Every year we hold eagerly anticipated Summer and Christmas Fairs.  At each of these events, there is so much for all the family – they really are great family days out.  In addition to these two major events, we hold discos for the children and other activities and events throughout the year.

The P.T.F.A. regularly hold meetings in school to plan and prepare events. These are advertised to parents/others and all are welcome. As events arise in the school calendar, the P.T.F.A. will ask for your support to help make each event an enjoyable one. We get a great deal of pleasure from P.T.F.A. events.

Please get in touch at and look out for events shared on School Dojo.