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Worthington Primary School Science Curriculum Statement  

Science Curriculum Intent:

At Worthington Primary School, we understand the significance of Science in daily life. As a core subject, we prioritise the teaching and learning of Science, covering biology, chemistry, and physics according to the National Curriculum.

Our approach includes detailed planning by teachers utilising a ‘sticky knowledge’ grid to outline specific vocabulary and concepts for each year group. Throughout the curriculum, students acquire key knowledge and scientific skills, fostering curiosity and the ability to apply scientific understanding to real-world scenarios, and this is highlighted by the links between our Science curriculum and Geography, Design and Technology, and Computing alongside explicit links to the Maths and English curricula. By nurturing their natural curiosity, promoting respect for living organisms and the environment, and encouraging critical evaluation of evidence, we aim to equip students with the scientific understanding necessary for future applications and implications of science.

Science Curriculum - Implementation:

At Worthington, Science is taught through weekly lessons and integrated into other subjects where possible. Our approach emphasises planned topic blocks to deepen knowledge, engaging lessons with high-quality resources, and regular assessment to address learning gaps. Problem-solving opportunities are provided to encourage independent inquiry, while 'Working Scientifically' skills are integrated into lessons to ensure skill development over time.

  • Each Science topic is planned around an Enquiry Question and the series of lessons will be carefully planned to enable pupils to draw their own conclusions in answering the question at the end of the topic.
  • All topics will begin by revisiting prior knowledge in order to support children to recall previous learning and make connections.
  • Substantive knowledge is built upon as the children progress through school, with explicit links between the current unit and its related concepts from previous years.
  • To embed the disciplinary knowledge which is taught within each year group, the skill of scientific enquiry is taught through regular opportunities to plan and carry out experiments and analyse the results of investigations across the five enquiry types: Comparative and fair testing; Research using secondary sources; Identifying, classifying and grouping; Pattern-seeking; and Observing over time.
  •  ‘Sticky Knowledge’ is recorded for each topic to show progression of knowledge from EYFS to Y6 and will be a tool used by teachers to assess understanding and progression of vocabulary.

Formative assessment will take place at the end of each lesson in the form of a low-stakes quiz/question at the end of each lesson, and PoP activities linked to the enquiry question to end each unit of work. This will be complemented by teacher judgments as pupils complete their investigations.

Science Curriculum - Impact:

The impact of our Science curriculum is assessed through various means, including pupil voice, low-stakes testing, monitoring of work, and assessment opportunities such as self-assessment and peer assessment where appropriate. By fostering confident communication about Science, ensuring good recall of key concepts, and regularly assessing student progress, we aim to measure the effectiveness of our curriculum in nurturing scientific understanding and skills to prepare our learners to develop their knowledge as they continue their journey to understanding the processes of the world around us.

Feedback is given to the children as soon as possible, and marking work is guided by the school’s Feedback and Marking Policy.