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School Council

Hello and welcome to our School Council Web Page.

We hope to update you at least once every half term and inform you of what we are working towards.

The Council is made up of two children from each class, starting at Year 1. Each class has voted for their representative for school council.

As a whole school we voted on the charities we would like to support this year, deciding on one national charity and one international charity. Then, the school councillors came up with ideas about how we could raise money for these charities.

This year the children have voted to support:

  • Numerous charities such as The Poppy Appeal and BBC Children in Need in Autumn Term.
  • Marie Curie in Spring Term by holding an Easter Crafts sale on Thursday 21st March.
  • WWF in Summer Term by completing a sponsored summer challenge on Friday 14th June

The Council have also met to organise a safer parking competition to remind parents how to park safely outside school and the reasons why this is so important. You will have seen some of these posters on class dojo and displayed outside school.

Finally, the school council led a pupil voice about playtimes in KS1/KS2. From this feedback, new equipment will be available during playtimes in Spring meaning children can have well-deserved, enjoyable playtimes.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Bauldry and The School Council

December 2023